Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Our website biodiversity-protection.interreg-med.eu
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@PANACeA Biodiversity Protection
Plan Bleu is also involved in 2 other projects of the Interreg Med Programme 2019-2022:
The first steering committee meeting took place on 12th December 2019 in Marseille, France.
The Med Biodiversity Protection Community/MBPC (“PANACeA2”) is a horizontal project focusing on objective 3.2. “maintaining biodiversity and natural ecosystems through strengthening the management and networking of protected areas”. MBPC project has been featured by PANACeA project, one of six Horizontal Projects approved from the first call of the Interreg Med programming period 2014-2020.
It builds on achievements to increase the impact of 3.2 modular projects’ towards common identified targets and links through:
Coordinated by the European Thematic Center of the University of Malaga, Plan Bleu is a partner in this project and in charge of:
A Community articulated around three cross-cutting issues:
The Interreg community for the protection of Mediterranean biodiversity is structured around three main themes and working groups with the support of MBPC partners, as shown below. To get involved in the activities, do not hesitate to contact the partner leading the group or contact [email protected] :
Working Group 1: Biodiversity Protection and Transboundary Challenges: Led by ETC-UMA and MedCities, please contact [email protected]
Working group 2: Sustainable use of natural resources: Led by the CPMR, please contact [email protected]
Working group 3: Integrated ecosystem monitoring and management: Led by Plan Bleu, please contact [email protected]
This was the first virtual workshop entitled “Revamping the Mediterranean Community”, the first of a series organized by the Mediterranean Community for the Protection of Biodiversity. This exclusive webinar took place on June 12, 2020 from 10 a.m. CET with the active engagement of partners and associated partners in the Mediterranean Community project for the protection of biodiversity and an incredible audience of lead partners and communication officers in our 15 thematic projects.
Revamping the Mediterranean Community is available here.
During this community-building webinar, more than 50 participants validated the analysis presented on the Community available here, its common priority objectives for integration and the joint work plan to better meet biodiversity challenges together. We were very pleased to see the interest and support to continue working on joint actions through three working groups, which were the subject of a series of subsequent webinars, namely:
The Biodiversity Protection Community (BPC) builds on the efforts of PANACeA during the period 2016-2019 in:
To reach its objectives, the BPC ensures guiding two types of processes for an uptake by regional policies to support them reaching their targets to 2020 and to prioritise their policy aspirations beyond 2020 through:
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