Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
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Plan Bleu is developing some indicators for the monitoring of the implementation of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD) 2016-2025 in relation with the adaptation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to the Mediterranean region.
The workshop: “How to monitor the MSSD 2016-2025 implementation?” held on 30-31 March 2016 allowed to select a first core set of 34 indicators according the 6 objectives of the Strategy.
An assessment of this first indicators core set and some “indicators factsheets”, elements of a Dashboard on the Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean region, were presented to a workshop that was held on October 17th 2016 in Barcelona in order to improve the first selection.
Monitoring of MSSD 2016-2025 implementation: First draft of Mediterranean sustainable development dashboard
Mediterranean sustainability dashboard: 2019 update
(Draft version – May 2019)
The 34 priority indicators have been selected at Regional Workshop on « Indicators for Sustainable Development Strategies and Policies in the Mediterranean Region » organised by Plan Bleu (9 – 11 May 2005, Nice-France), in cooperation with INFO-RAC and with EEA support.
Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2005
Methodological sheets of the 34 priority indicators
Indicators fact-sheets for the follow-up of the MSSD 2005 (updated in 2013)
Website “Mediterranean observatory on environment and sustainable development”
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