Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
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In 1976, the Mediterranean-rim countries and the European Community adopted the Barcelona Convention to protect marine environment and its coastal areas. The necessity to address collectively development and environment in order to build a sustainable future for the Mediterranean is already fully integrated by signatory countries.
Plan Bleu is one the Regional Activity Centres of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), put in place by France since 1977. Its program of work is approved every two years by the Contracting parties to the Barcelona Convention.
Plan Bleu produces studies and scenarios for the future in order to raise awareness of Mediterranean stakeholders and decision-makers regarding environment and sustainable development issues in the region.
Despite a promising international momentum towards sustainable development, unsustainable practices persist, often supported by economic incentives that promote the expansion of activity at the expense of ecosystem conservation and restoration. These environmentally harmful subsidies are nearly six times higher than the spending devoted to environmental protection. Perceived as beneficial for certain economic sectors, they also exist in the Mediterranean region. This raises a crucial question: how can we identify, quantify, and reform these harmful practices
Plan Bleu continues to deepen its awareness-raising efforts for the preservation of the Mediterranean. To this end, we have created “Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu”: a series of webinars led by experts to discuss current environmental issues in the Mediterranean. The ninth edition of the “Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu” will focus on “The Mediterranean by 2050 : Foresight by Plan Bleu”. Based on the participatory foresight exercise MED2050, this study has led to six scenarios
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