Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
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Plan Bleu, acting as a Mediterranean Observatory on Environment and Sustainable Development, has developed an experience in collecting, managing and disseminating data on Sustainable development issues in the Mediterranean Region.
One of Plan Bleu’s mission is to provide the Contracting Parties of Barcelona Convention with environmental and sustainable development statistics, indicators and assessments to support their action and decision making process.
In this context, a website has been developed, with the financial support of MAVA Foundation, for the dissemination of maps, indicators factsheets, and booklets/compendia:
The “compendium of indicators factsheets” for monitoring or the implementation of the MSSD 2016-2025 is the first compendium available on this website. Another compendium gathering the factsheet for the indicators selected for monitoring the blue economy in the Mediterranean will be soon available.
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