Side event – COP24: A science-policy interface on risks of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean region

The Secretariat ofthe Union for the Mediterranean and its partners (UN Environment Mediterranean Action Plan through Plan Bleu Regional Activity Centre and MedECC, the network of Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change) organized during the COP 24 (Katowice, Poland) a side event “A science-policy interface on risks of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean region” that was held on Thursday 13 December from 10h to 12h, at the Moroccan Pavilion.

The Mediterranean Basin is undergoing strong change in environmental as well as social and economic conditions. Having warmed more than the global average already, the region is at risk of significant water shortages, productivity loss in marine and land ecosystems, ocean acidification, impacts of sea-level rise on coastal infrastructures, etc. Climate change interacts with other changes to aggravate vulnerabilities. Given the changing social and economic conditions, inducing urban growth, change in land use, and pollution from multiple sources, countries in the South and East of the basin are at particular risk for severe economic losses and social impacts. During this side-event the current state and risks related to climate and environmental change the Mediterranean were discussed by scientists and decision-makers.

An open and independent international network of Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) has been launched to gather, update and consolidate the best scientific knowledge on these issues and render it accessible to policy-makers and key stakeholders. The dialogue between scientists and decision-makers is facilitated by the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean and the Mediterranean Action Plan of the United Nations Environment Programme through its Plan Bleu Regional Activity Center, which support the MedECC in the framework of their agreement.

This side-event gave the opportunity for scientists and stakeholders to discuss the main vulnerabilities of the Mediterranean region and its resilience to change. During this side-event a booklet was distributed on climate and environmental change issues for the Mediterranean region and the way in which the scientists in association with the decision-makers address them.


For any information request, please contact Kasia Marini, Science Officer, MedECC.

More information on MedECC website.

Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu