Activity report 2015

The preparation of cop 19 of the Barcelona Convention strongly mobilised Plan Bleu in 2015, particularly with a view to adopting a new Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development. This new strategy, revised in particular to integrate the issue of climate change as a priority for the Mediterranean, and adopted at COP 19 in February 2016, is in perfect harmony with the activities carried out in 2015 by Plan Bleu which are part of the same objectives.

The preparation of COP 19 of the Barcelona Convention strongly mobilised Plan Bleu in 2015, particularly with a view to adopting a new Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development, prepared under the aegis of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development.

This new strategy, revised in particular to integrate the issue of climate change as a priority for the Mediterranean, and adopted at COP 19 in February 2016, is in perfect harmony with the activities carried out in 2015 by Plan Bleu which are part of the same objectives:

  • Ensure sustainable development in marine and coastal areas,
  • Promote resource management, production and food security through sustainable forms of rural development,
  • Addressing climate change as a priority issue for the Mediterranean,
  • Support the transition to a green and blue economy, promote the integration of sustainable development into public policies in the Mediterranean.

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Plan Bleu