Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Duration : January 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026
Total budget : 2,997,944.13 EUR
Plan Bleu’s budget : 365,005.00 EUR
Funding : Interreg Euro-MED (80%) et MAP (20%)
NaTour4CChange is a pilot project that brings together 10 partners and 18 associate partners, united by a common vision: to strengthen sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean basin. This ambitious project aims to foster adaptation to climate change and disaster risk prevention, while promoting the resilience of coastal destinations, with a particular sensitivity to ecosystem-based approaches. Building on previous successes at the regional and international levels, NaTour4CChange is committed to testing innovative solutions to increase the resilience of Mediterranean coastal destinations. Multidisciplinary teams will be mobilized to develop customized tourist action plans, focusing on climate adaptation and the integration of nature-based solutions, thus ensuring their feasibility. At the same time, cutting-edge approaches to destination marketing and communication will be deployed to mobilize private stakeholders, visitors, and residents, inviting them to fully engage in climate protection.
The project aims to identify and promote common methods, thereby offering the associated regions, rigorously selected as pilot sites, the opportunity to assess their priorities in terms of adapting to climate change and mitigating the effects of tourism. Furthermore, it aims to encourage the adoption and implementation of concrete actions through plans, strategies, and cooperative governance, thereby strengthening their capacity to respond to environmental and tourism challenges.
Plan Bleu leads WP1, related to the development of methodologies to design the Climate Change (CC) action plan for the project’s Regions, and oversees all the activities planned in WP1 to ensure their completion in accordance with the established schedule.
Interreg Euro-MED : European Territorial Cooperation Program which aims to make the Mediterranean region smarter, more “green” and to improve governance between its stakeholders
WP : Work Package
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