
During the 2000s, Plan Bleu developed the Imagine approach in collaboration with the Bayswater Institute (United Kingdom) in order to encourage more sustainable management practices in Mediterranean coastal areas. As part of the project entitled “Integration of climate variability and change in national strategies for the implementation of the ICZM protocol in the Mediterranean”, an adaptation of Imagine was then proposed through Climagine in 2012, which addresses the specific challenges of variability and climate change in coastal areas. In the framework of the GEF MedPartnership, implemented by UNEP/MAP, Climagine was subsequently implemented on two sites:

  • Sibenik-Knin County, Croatia, based on the DIVA model developed by the Potsdam Institute, Germany and coordinated by RAC / PAP, Croatia.

  • The Kerkennah archipelago, Tunisia, based on the RiVAMP model developed by UNEP-GRID, Geneva.

Based on these experiences, Plan Bleu mobilised Climagine to support several Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) efforts in the Mediterranean within the framework of Child Project 2.1. of GEF MedProgramme, implemented by UNEP/MAP. These included the following sites: 

  • Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region, Morocco, Climagine informed the development of a Coastal Plan coordinated by PAP/RAC. 

  • Boka Kotorska, Montenegro, Climagine informed the development of a Coastal Plan coordinated by PAP/RAC. 

  • Lebanon, Climagine will inform the elaboration of the national ICZM Strategy.

  • Damour area, Lebanon, Climagine will inform the development of an Integrated Management Plan for the Damour area.

Moreover, the MedProgramme SCCF Project (Special Climate Change Fund) allowed Plan Bleu to integrate other themes into Climagine. Based on two gender-sensitive climate risk assessments of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region and Boka Kotorska produced by Plan Bleu, Climagine integrated participatory thinking on ecosystem-based adaptation in coastal areas while engaging the private and financial sectors in adaptation efforts in coastal zones.


  • MGEF MedProgramme (2020-2024) – Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region:
    • Workshop 1 (FR/EN/AR)
    • Workshop 2 (FR)
    • Workshop 3 (FR)
    • Worshop 4 (FR)
    • Final Report (FR)
  • FEM MedProgramme FEM (2020-2024) – Bay of Kotor, Montenegro
    • Workshop 1 (FR/EN/AR)
    • Workshop 2 (EN)
    • Workshop 3 (EN)
    • Workshop 4 (EN)
    • Final Report (EN)
  • Update of the Climagine methodology (2021):
    • County of Šibenik-Knin, Croatia (FR/EN/AR)
    • Kerkennah Archipelago, Tunisia (FR/EN/AR)
  • Note Plan Bleu 37 (2020): Climagine (FR/EN)
  • Climagine and ClimVar/MedPartnership (2013-2015) – Country of Šibenik-Knin, Croatie :
    • Workshop (EN)
    • Workshop 2 (EN)
    • Workshop 3 (EN)
    • Workshop 4 (EN)
    • Final report (EN )
  • Kerkennah Archipelago, Tunisia:
    • Workshop 1 (FR)
    • Workshop 2 (FR)
    • Workshop 3 (FR)
    • Final Report – Climagine (FR)
    • MedPartnership final report (FR/EN)
    • MedPartnership summary report (AR)

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