Conference on the yachting sector in the Mediterranean, Marseille, 11-12th October 2017


Plan Bleu co-organized with partners from the InnoBlueGrowth project an international conference entitled “New trends for the yachting sector in the Mediterranean area”, which took place on 11-12th of October in Marseilles, France. Participants, among them decision makers and entrepreneurs from the region and abroad, were able to meet experts on the yachting sector and exchange best practices, while getting more knowledge on the importance of the Interreg Blue Growth Community launched last year by the InnoBlueGrowth project.

Plan Bleu co-organized with partners from the InnoBlueGrowth project an international conference entitled “New trends for the yachting sector in the Mediterranean area”, which took place on 11-12th of October in Marseilles, France.

The InnoBlueGrowth project – or “Horizontal Communication & Capitalization project for Innovation in Blue Growth at Mediterranean level” (Interreg MED), led by the National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences (CoNISMa) and counting on the experiences of the Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME), the Intermediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), Plan Bleu, the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), and the University of Montenegro, aims at ensuring the communication and capitalization activities of thematic projects dealing with Blue Growth issues in order to increase their impacts towards common identified targets. Its activities are focused on the increase of the transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of key sectors of the Mediterranean area.

In this sense, the theme chosen for this first transnational thematic event is  Yachting, as InnoBlueGrowth capitalizes the iBLUE project, specifically focused on the issue of relaunching the yachting sector sustainably. iBLUE uses for this a new methodology integrating three sustainable pillars (economic, environmental and social) in the concept of business model innovation.

Co-led by the iBLUE project, the meeting provided a critical mass of knowledge about Med yachting in terms of economic impact, employment, strengths, weaknesses and sustainability. More precisely, the exchanges revolved around building and peer-reviewing the bases of an indicator system about the sustainability of the yachting sector, useful to policy makers for a better resource allocation and improved impact evaluation. The event was also the opportunity to collect best practices, innovation patterns and policies exploitable by Med yachting sector actors for performance improvement. The transnational focus of this event was a consequent step for the sustainable development and dynamization of the whole yachting sector by involving the most relevant actors.

Participants, among them decision makers and entrepreneurs from the region and abroad, were able to meet experts on the yachting sector and exchange best practices, while getting more knowledge on the importance of the Interreg Blue Growth Community launched last year by the InnoBlueGrowth project.

Press Release


New trends for the yachting sector in the Med area, Maria Groueva – Project Officer JS Interreg MED Programme

iBLUE, MED Modular Project, E. Ocello

The European Union perspective for nautical tourism in Europe, Linos Voskarides – European Commission – DG MARE – Unit A2

Sailing on Reefs: EU SEAtizenship, paperwork and other digital gaps, Angel Puig, Nautic Advisor

Current trends in the design of sailing yachts & the competition of racing sailing yachts, Gregory Grigoropoulos – National Technical University of Athens

Environmental challenges and litter management in marina Porto Montenegro, A Drakulovic

Sustainable marina, Liana Florou, School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, National Technical University of Athens

Charting sustainability: howthe yaching sector is contributing to a sustainable blue growth, Vienna Eleuteri, Eulabor Institute

Network of Insular Chambers of Commerce of the EU, Georges Assonitis – Union of Hellenic Chambers

MENTOR: Economic impact of Blue Growth, Monica Andreou, Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry

iBlue Thematic Seminar, K Richomme-Huet

BlueGrowth Yachting MED Community, C. Pratico

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