Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport in the Mediterranean


Barcelona, 17-20 October 2011: Plan Bleu has contributed to the organization of a workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport « What tools to promote the evolution of sustainable urban mobility in the Mediterranean? »

Sylvain Houpin has contributed to the organization of a workshop on Sustainable Urban Transport « What tools to promote the evolution of sustainable urban mobility in the Mediterranean? » from 17 to 20 October 2011 in Barcelona.

After an inaugural conference in Damascus in April 2010 and a second meeting in Marseilles in December 2010, the cycle of meetings of the « Sustainable Urban Transport » of the Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) was followed by a workshop in Barcelona devoted specifically to issues of governance, planning or financing of urban transport in the Mediterranean.

This program is managed and financed by the French Development Agency (AFD), which has given the operational project ownership to CODATU, in partnership with the Union for the Mediterranean (UFM), Medcités, the City Council and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the French Ministry of Ecology (MEDDTL), CERTU, the CETE of Mediterranean and South West and the Blue Plan, as a technical referent on issues of urban integration of urban transport and their environmental impacts.

The workshop brought together nearly one hundred participants elected officials, policy makers and experts around the Mediterranean.

Learn more: Plan Bleu’s activities on urban areas

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