Atelier « Activités maritimes en Tunisie »


Tunis, 5 March 2014: un atelier de mobilisation d’experts locaux a été organisé dans le cadre de l’activité « évaluation socio-économique des activités maritimes ».

As part of the activity « socio-economic assessment of maritime activities”, a workshop was held in Tunis, Tunisia, on 5th March 2014.

The objective of this workshop was to bring together experts and stakeholders from the following economic sectors: fishing and marine aquaculture, maritime transport, cruises and boating, coastal tourism, energy production, extraction of marine minerals, oil and gas offshore, submarine cables electrical and telecommunications; as well as representatives of the competent authorities in order to present the activity mentioned above and to actively involve these experts in its implementation. The workshop participants were thus able to take ownership of the activity and its goals while contributing to the mobilization of information required for the socio-economic analysis of maritime activities in their country.

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