1st Capitalisation Event on Marine Renewable Energies (MRE)

On November 10th-11th, Plan Bleu will co-organize the 1st Capitalisation Event on Marine Renewable Energies (MRE)of the Mediterranean Blue Growth community, in an online format.
The main objective of this event is to ensure the capitalization and transferring of outputs produced by our community of projects dealing with Blue Economy issues in the Mediterranean region for an efficient mainstreaming and strategic liaising with identified targets.
This online event will be organized in two phases:
· A capitalization event (10th Nov.) mainly devoted to an overview of MRE development in the Med region, to the enabling framework (incl. legal & regulatory) to foster it and how to reconcile MRE, biodiversity and eco-tourism. . You can register here
· An E-Blue Agora (11th Nov.) co-organized with the Circle the Med Forum, dedicated to SMEs with the presentation of tools, funding opportunities and a matchmaking session in the framework of the 1st BLUE DEAL Business Forum. You can register here.
For more information, check the provisional agenda.

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