Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
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Plan Bleu continues to deepen its awareness-raising efforts for the preservation of the Mediterranean. To this end, we have created “Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu”: a series of webinars led by experts to discuss current environmental issues in the Mediterranean. The ninth edition of the “Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu” will focus on “The Mediterranean by 2050 : Foresight by Plan Bleu”. Based on the participatory
On December 2 and 3, 2024, Athens will host the Regional Roundtable on the theme “Catalysing Financing for Climate Change Adaptation in the Mediterranean Coastal Area: The Role of the Private Sector.” This hybrid event will also be accessible online, bringing together key stakeholders from the Mediterranean region, the private sector, and coastal decision-makers.Within the framework of the GEF MedProgramme SCCF Project and the EU
In 2024, Plan Bleu continues to intensify its efforts to raise awareness for the preservation of the Mediterranean. We have created “Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu”: a series of webinars hosted by experts to discuss current environmental issues in the Mediterranean. The eighth edition of Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu will focus on “The Costs and Benefits of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).” MPAs play a
Sophia-Antipolis, 28 May 2015: Plan Bleu organized the first Steering Committee meeting of the Med-ESCWET project on “the economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by wetlands in the context of climate change in the Mediterranean”. This meeting had in particular the objective of validating the 4 pilot sites choice in…
Read moreMarseilles, June 3rd, 2015: Plan Bleu organized a workshop under ClimVar project in order to present the findings of the methodological report on “Regional and Local Risk Assessment of Climate Variability and Change in the Mediterranean” carried out since October 2014 by Plan Bleu and Acclimatise & Associates. Plan Bleu…
Read moreMarseilles, 26 June 2014: About 50 participants discussed on the valorization modalities of natural and cultural heritage by tourism in the Mediterranean region. This workshop aimed at reviewing economic, environmental and social global issues linked to tourism in the Mediterranean region, as weel as contributing, through mobilisation of civil societies,…
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