Workshop on the presentation and validation of a methodology for a regional and local risk assessment of Climate Variability and Change in the Mediterranean region


Marseilles, June 3rd, 2015: Plan Bleu organized a workshop under ClimVar project in order to present the findings of the methodological report on “Regional and Local Risk Assessment of Climate Variability and Change in the Mediterranean” carried out since October 2014 by Plan Bleu and Acclimatise & Associates.

Plan Bleu took the opportunity of the MEDCOP21 conference to organize in Marseilles, on June 3rd, 2015, a workshop under ClimVar project, with representatives of Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.

They discussed a methodology related to the development of a Coastal Risk Index, related to the impacts of climate change considering three variables: exposure, vulnerability and forcing which coastal areas are facing. Risk maps at a regional scale were produced and discussed for each of the countries represented. A local application for the case of Morocco was also presented. Finally, the wish of local applications of this index was mentioned by the countries representatives.

The meeting aimed to:

  • present the findings of the methodological report on “Regional and Local Risk Assessment of Climate Variability and Change in the Mediterranean” carried out since October 2014 by Plan Bleu and Acclimatise & Associates.  
  • further refine the results of the methodology presented,
  • present the link between this methodology, the MSSD review process and the Strategic Framework for the Adaptation of the Mediterranean Marine and Coastal areas to Climate Change under UNEP MAP leading.

The methodological report on “Regional and Local Risk Assessment of Climate Variability and Change in the Mediterranean” aims at providing a regional risk assessment of climate vulnerability and change in the Mediterranean for the identification of coastal hot-spots, including a local assessment in one case study (Morocco), through the application of a multiscale coastal risk index.

The outcomes of this study are expected to contribute to the knowledge base that will inform the development of the Strategic Framework for the Adaptation of the Mediterranean Marine and Coastal areas to Climate Change under UNEP MAP leading.

The participants were kindly invited to provide their inputs to reinforce the methodology.


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