Mid-term Conference of InnoBlueGrowth Project on blue economy


Concept Interreg MED Communities, design by Yorgos

Organized by the partners of the InnoBlueGrowth project (including Plan Bleu), the mid-term conference ” Blue Economy: The Blue Way of Life ” which took place on November 22nd and 23rd 2018 in Barcelona, brought together about fifty experts and actors of Blue Growth in the Mediterranean, to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the blue economy, innovation and sustainability models of governance and regional cooperation.


The conference allowed representatives of the various modular and integrated projects belonging to the blue growth community (MAESTRALE and PELAGOS on maritime energy, PROteuS on maritime surveillance, iBLUE on yachting, 4Helix+ on innovation, and MISTRAL on transnational activities of clusters and networs on Blue Growth) to present their initial results and ongoing activities.

During the conference, the blue growth community came to define the key points of a “blue lifestyle”, combining the use and respect of marine resources, and to realize the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability.

In particular, Plan Bleu participated in a session on awareness raising, technological solutions to mitigate environmental pressures and the role of younger generations in the sustainable development of blue economy. Other sessions focused on the internationalization of Mediterranean clusters, the development of markets and investments for the blue economy, and transnational cooperation initiatives.

For more information:

InnoBlueGrowth project website on blue growth in the Mediterranean: https://blue-growth.interreg-med.eu/

MedaWeek (Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders) website: http://www.medaeconomicweek.org/fr/blue-growth/


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