On the 19th-20th of September in Brussels, the InnoBlueGrowth project which leads the Blue Growth Community, whose Plan Bleu is partner, celebrated its final event in a joint event with the Green Growth Community, aiming at discussing the key elements necessary for a “Transition towards blue and green economies in the Mediterranean”.
On the 19th-20th of September in Brussels, the InnoBlueGrowth project which leads the Blue Growth Community celebrated its final event in a joint event with the Green Growth Community. The objective was to raise awareness on how the integration of both blue and green economies can support a more sustainable development of the Mediterranean, to share policy recommendations, knowledge and good practices as well as to develop networks.
This event was structured on two days of sessions:
- a first day devoted to the Blue and Green Communities main policy recommendations and the interaction with policy-makers on the basis of the Communities’ findings and good practices. Among the main axes to be addressed: sustainability within territorial cooperation, blue and green economies integration, business innovation and access to funding, and education to sustainability.
- a second day devoted to the final results of the thematic projects from both communities, allowing to reflect on the transfer of their respective results and their sustainability overtime and the next generation of Interreg Med projects.
The event was a milestone between both communities allowing the possibility of transferring their learnings and exchanging their processes and understandings about sustainable economies.
Besides, this event allowed to discuss with EU institutions, regional and local authorities, the Academia, sectoral institutions, international organizations, NGOs and the private sector, on future scenarios and actions to foster integrated sustainable growth.
More information: https://blue-growth.interreg-med.eu/news-events/news/detail/actualites/blue-and-green-growth-joint-event-19th-20th-september-2019-brussels/