In 2024, Plan Bleu aims to go further in raising awareness for the preservation of the Mediterranean. We have come up with “Les rendez-vous du Plan Bleu”: an online meeting hosted by Mediterranean environmental experts to present and decode a current topic.
The seventh edition of “Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu”, organized in collaboration with Tour du Valat: “How to Restore a Wetland? Case studies and good Practices” will take place on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM (Paris Time) online, with interpretation available in FR and EN. On the agenda, presentations by experts Antoine Lafitte, Anis Guelmani, Arnaud Terrisse, and Lisa Ernoul to discuss wetlands and concrete case studies.
Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu consists of 1 hour of conference and 30 minutes of interaction with the public, where experts answer questions from the audience.
Detailed program:
2:00 pm : Introduction by the Director of Plan Bleu, Robin Degron, and the Director of Tour du Valat,Jean Jalbert
2:10 pm : Dual Presentation
- Mediterranean Wetlands : Ecological Importance and Need for Restoration, by Anis Guelmani, Coordinator of the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO) at Tour du Valat
- Plan BleuObservatory: Monitoring and Work on Mediterranean Wetlands, by Antoine Lafitte, Director of the Plan Bleu Observatory and Relations with UNEP/MAP.
2:20 pm : Project WaterLANDS : Governance and Restoration of Wetlands, by Arnaud Terrisse, Program Officer at Plan Bleu.
2:30 pm : WaterLANDS Case Study: The Camargue and its Wetlands, by Lisa Ernoul, Research Officer andCoordinator of the Theme on Management and Restoration of Natural and Agricultural Ecosystems at Tour du Valat.
2:40 pm : WaterLANDS Case Study: Actions in the Venice Lagoon, by We are here Venice
2:50 pm : Question and Answer Session with the Public
3:20 pm : Conclusion by Plan Bleu team and Tour du Valat team