GEF MedProgramme (2020-2024)

TheMedProgrammeis a 43 million USD assortment of seven child projects funded by the Global Environment FacilityGEFwith more than 100 coordinated actions at regional and national levels in the 2020-2024 period. The programme is also co-finance by the International Reconstruction and Development Bank (BERD) and the European Bank of investments (BEI), the 10 benficiary-countries of the program are Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Morrocco, Montenegro, Tunisia and Türkiye.

The MedProgramme is composed of the following child projects (Plan Bleu’s contributions are detailed specifically):

MedProgramme Child Project 1.1: Reducing Pollution from Harmful Chemicals and Wastes in Mediterranean Hotspots and Measuring Progress to Impacts.

Plan Bleu is contributing to the elaboration of a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA), notably its work on forecasting, indicators and socio-economic analysis. The Med2050Project is benefiting from funding from CP 1.1 to organise workshops, and will feed into the TDA process through its regional forecasting analyses. Partners Child project 1.1: UNEP/MAP(MEDPOL), Plan Bleu/CAR,SCP/RAC

MedProgramme Child Project 1.2 : Mediterranean Pollution Hot Spots Investment Project.

MedProgramme Child Project 2.1: Mediterranean Coastal Zones: Water Security, Climate Resilience and Habitat Protection.

Plan Bleu is leading the elaboration of a conceptual framework for coastal observation. It is also implementing 4 cycles of participatory Climagineforecasting workshops to inform the development of two Coastal Plans (Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, Morocco and Kotor Bay, Montenegro) and two national Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategies (Egypt and Lebanon), led by PAP/RAC. Parteners Child project 2.1: PAP/RAC, GWP Med, UNESCO/PHI

Watch the video of the Coastal Plan/Climagine process in the Kotor Bay

MedProgramme Child Project 2.2 : Mediterranean Coastal Zones: Managing the Water-Energy-Food and Ecosystems Nexus.

*** MedProgramme SCCF Project: Enhancing regional climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Areas.

Plan Bleu is leading the preparation of two climate risk assessments of the Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region, Morocco and Kotory Bay, Montenegro. The SCCF project integrates coastal climate change adaptation to Child Project 2.1’s Climagine workshops through activities related to the ecosystem-based adaptation, cost-benefit analyses for coastal adaptation solutions and engaging the private and financial sectors in Mediterranean coastal adaptation efforts.

Discover the reports :
“Gender-sensitive climate risk assessment of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region 2022” (EN versionFR version)
“Gender-sensitive climate risk assessment of Kotor Bay, Montenegro

Application of the Multiscale Coastal Risk Index-Local Scale to Kotor Bay, Montenegro

Baseline study to appraise coastal adaptation interventions in Mediterranean coastal hotspots – Stage I

Factsheet on the SCCF Project

Partners Child Projet SCCF: PAP/RAC, GWP Med

MedProgramme Child Project 3.1: Management Support and Expansion of Marine Protected Areas in Libya.

MedProgramme Child Project 4.1: Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Environment and Climate Regional Support Project.

This child-project brings together all the implementing partners of the MedProgramme in order to ensure the sharing of knowledge and results generated by the MedProgramme at the regional level.

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