Workshop on indicators related to tourism in the Mediterranean

Sophia Antipolis, 11-12 June 2012: The objective of the workshop on indicators related to the sustainability of Mediterranean tourism focused on the methodology which ensure to cross with different components of the previous program of activities « Tourism and Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean ».

The 11th and 12th June 2012, in Sophia Antipolis, the Plan Bleu organized a workshop on indicators related to the sustainability of Mediterranean tourism. The objective of this workshop focused on the methodology which ensure to cross with different components of the previous program of activities « Tourism and Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean »:

  • « Tourism complementary indicators for monitoring the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD) »;
  • « Profiles of sustainability in some tourist destinations in the Mediterranean »;
  • « Cruising and yachting in the Mediterranean »;
  • « Energy Management: air transport and tourism in the Mediterranean. »

Download the agenda and the working documents:





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