From 28 November to 1st December 2016, Plan Bleu took part in the 2016 Forum of Marine protected Areas in the Mediterranean, organized in Tangier, Morocco, by MEDPAN, RAC/SPA and the Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte Contre la Désertification . Gathering about four hundred participants,this second Forum of Mediterranean MPA, was an opportunity for a mid-term assessment (4 years before the 2020 deadline) of the implementation of the Roadmap.
From 28 November to 1 December 2016, MEDPAN, RAC/SPA and the Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte Contre la Désertification organised in Tangier, Morocco, the 2016 Forum of Marine protected Areas in the Mediterranean, with the support of many partners (*Sea the list at the bottom of the page)
Gathering about four hundred participants, this second Forum of Mediterranean MPAs was an opportunity for a mid-term assessment (4 years before the 2020 deadline) of the implementation of the Roadmap. This was also the opportunity to update the Roadmap by integrating the issues of the Convention on Climate Change and taking into account the new international agreements adopted since 2012 such as the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
The Forum programme was built around the four strategic objectives of the Mediterranean MPA Roadmap:
- Establish an ecological network of MPAs which is representative and connected
- Achieve an effective, efficient and sustainable management and a good governance in Mediterranean
- MPAs Develop a territorially and sectorially integrated governance of Mediterranean MPAs while promoting the sharing of environmental and socio-economic benefits
- Increase the allocation of financial resources to establish and maintain an ecological network of effectively managed MPAs.
To these four major themes of the Forum, is therefore added as the transversal theme of climate change.
As partner and member of Steering Committee, Plan Bleu actively participated in the Forum:
- On 28 November 2016, Plan Bleu (Anne-France Didier, Didier Sauzade, Antoine Lafitte, and Carla Murciano) organised in the framework of the Forum,in partnership with RAC/SPA, a Workshop on « Strengthening the Science Policy Interface (SPI) in the field of Marine Protected Areas ». The workshop was chaired by Ms. Anne-France Didier, Plan Bleu’s director and co-chaired by Mr. Khali Attia, RAC/SPA’s Director and Mr. Laurent Sourbes, MedPAN’s Vice-President. The association of the two events allowed the scientific experts, the managers of marine protected areas and the policy-makers to propose concrete solutions to meet the scientific needs. More information abour the workshop…
- Didier Sauzade and Antoine Lafitte led the focus session « Strengthen the Science-Policy Interface (SPI) in the Marine Protected Areas and marine biodiversity fields in the Mediterranean », in the framework of the workshop « Towards a coherent MPA network: protect the sea, connect the areas! ». They thus presentedthe Workshop on Science Policy Interface (SPI) strengthening in the field of Marine Protected Areas and Marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean, organized by Plan Bleu in Tangier on 28 November 2016. The association of the two events allowed the scientific experts invited by Plan Bleu for this workshop, the managers of marine protected areas and the policy-makers participating in the Forum to propose concrete solutions to meet the scientific needs.
- Antoine Lafitte attended the Panel discussion 2 of the Special session « MPAs as tools for addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation » . He presented the activity related to the updating of the ICZM plan for Kerkennah Archipelago (Tunisia). 14 strategic recommendations for adaptation to climate change were proposed to better consider the livelihoods of the Archipelago in the IZCM plan. This activity was developed within the frame of ClimVar project.
- Nelly Bourlion facilitated the Groupe Discussion 2 on Public Private Partnerships, during the session « Towards long term and innovative financial sustainability for MPAs ». This was the opportunity to present the work carried out by Plan Bleu, in partnership with AFD, on the implementation of public-private partnership (PPP) in the protected areas of South and East Mediterranean countries.
* List of partners, members of the Forum’s Steering Committee : UICN Med & IUCN ROWA, WWF Mediterranean, Conservatoire du Littoral, FAO CGPM, ACCOBAMS,Agence française des Aires Marines Protégées, European Commission / UNEP/MAP, MAVA, Foundation, Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation,MedWet, Plan Bleu, Tour du Valat, AGIR, WWF France