Joint Workshop on Science Policy Interface (SPI) strengthening and Ecosystem Approach Coordination Group Meeting on IMAP scales of monitoring and assessment, including the next QSR

The meeting, that was held in Nice on 27th and 28th April 2017, allowed to share best practices, to present efforts of Contracting Parties for IMAP implementation at national scales, to encourage discussion and meeting recommendations regarding elaboration of efficient spatial and temporal scales for monitoring and assessment.

Plan Bleu organized the fifth workshop on the science-policy interface (SPI) strengthening and the Ecosystem Approach (EcAp) coordination group meeting on IMAP spatial and temporal scales of monitoring and assessment back to back with the Quality Status Report (QSR) meeting.
This workshop was held  in Nice, France, on 27th and 28th April 2017.
With the support of the EU funded EcApMEDII project and its specific output related to science-policy interface strengthening, the meeting allowed to share best practices, to present efforts of Contracting Parties for IMAP implementation at national scales, to encourage discussion and meeting recommendations regarding elaboration of efficient spatial and temporal scales for monitoring and assessment. 

The workshop  was held back to back with the Ecosystem Approach Coordination Group Meeting and Quality Status Report (QSR) meeting dealing with the assessment factsheets on Marine Litter, Biodiversity and fisheries, and Hydrography and coast co-organized by UN-Environment/MAP and MEDPOL.
Joining the different events enable to gather scientific researchers invited by Plan Bleu for the SPI session, scientific experts designated by governments of Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and National Focal Points of UNEP MAP and RACs’ representatives.
This workshop was the fifth event after a series of SPI strengthening workshops:

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