Workshop “Tourism and Sustainable Development”


Marseille, 23-24 May 2016: The French Development Agency (AFD – Agence Française de Développement) and Plan Bleu (UNEP/MAP) organized a workshop on the contribution of tourism to a sustainable and inclusive development, gathering partners of the two institutions, as well as decisions-makers, tourism operators, researchers and experts from several Mediterranean countries.

The French Development Agency (AFD – Agence Française de Développement) and Plan Bleu (UNEP/MAP) organized in Marseille on 23rd and 24th May 2016 a workshop on the contribution of tourism to a sustainable and inclusive development, gathering partners of the two institutions, as well as decisions-makers, tourism operators, researchers and experts from several Mediterranean countries.

This workshop aimed at building a shared vision and different approaches for a tourism renewal in the region, including the transformation and diversification of seaside tourism, along with a specific focus on public policies for fostering a balanced development of countries and destinations through the tourism sector.

Workshop report

Concept Note

Detailed programme

List of participants

State of art and outlook of tourism in the Mediterranean, Pierre Torrente, Deputy Director – ISTHIA. CERTOP, UMR 5044, CNRS

Working documents

Results of Working groups: Day 1Day 2

Additional documents

Le secteur touristique et les enjeux de durabilité dans les pays en développement. Quelle combinaison vertueuse ?

Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD 2005-2015): Assessment of Tourism Component

Tourism and sustainability in the Mediterranean: key facts and trends

Vivre ensemble, croître ensemble en Méditerranée et Moyen-Orient. Plan d’action 2015-2018 de l’AFD

Towards an observatory and a “quality label” of tourism sustainability in the Mediterranean

Tourism in the Mediterranean: a driving force for sustainable development?

Seaside tourism and urbanisation: environmental impact and land issues

Air transport and carbon dependency: future outlook for Mediterranean tourist destinations

Réaliser une station plaçant le tourisme durable au cœur de ses priorités

Support to the development of sustainable tourism sector and innovative renewable energies

Outil de démonstration Janus en appui de l’opération CHEMIN

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