Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Plan Bleu is also involved in 2 other projects of the Interreg Med Programme 2019-2022:
Encouraging stakeholders at mobilizing private sector financial and technical capacities through PPP to sustainably fund protected areas and develop a participative management approach involving civil society.
In a context of increased pressure on natural resources and dependency on limited public budgets, most of Mediterranean protected areas suffer from a lack of funds, technical and human capacities to ensure an adequate level of protection. This context calls for the development of a sustainable global and integrated model for the management of protected areas adapted to the new political, socioeconomic and environmental stakes of the Mediterranean. In that respect, PPP can contribute to make protected areas financially viable by exploiting economic value potential on the site and to engage local population in a dynamic for conservation and socioeconomic development.
This project focuses on Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, where funding and capacities are less abundant than in the North.
The project started in 2016 and is established under an agreement between AFD and Plan Bleu. Through its support to this partnership, AFD aims at finding innovative solutions to support sustainable development goals in its operations in the Mediterranean area.
The first step has led to the publication of a study on the legal framework of seven countries – Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and Türkiye – to determine which have the legal capacity to resort to PPP in their protected areas. This study is available on Plan Bleu’s website, as a technical report (in French).
The project continues with the identification of potential pilot sites and partnerships in three countries: Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
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