First consultation workshop of the CASadapt Project

CASAdapt Workshop (picture of the day)


The first consultation workshop of the CASadapt project, entitled « Projecting climate change on the territory of the Communauté d’agglomération Sophia Antipolis », was held on Tuesday October 25th, at the House of associations in Antibes. About thirty people were gathered on this occasion, representing the diversity of the actors of the territory concerned by this question (socio-economic actors, elected representatives of the coastal municipalities, representatives of the communities and public establishments, decentralized services of the State and members of the civil society).

This workshop started with a reminder of the challenge of adaptation of the territory to climate change. Regional climate trajectories were presented to participants, as well as inputs from the notice of the Conseil de développement on the future of the coastal fringe.

The participants were then divided into four thematic workshops: water resources, flooding, heat waves and heat islands, and marine and coastal erosion. The exercise made it possible to co-construct a territorial diagnosis dedicated to socio-economic issues associated with climate change.

This multi-actor dialogue will continue with the organization of a second workshop in the first half of 2023. This will be devoted to the development of action proposals consistent with national and international standards relating to the adaptation of States and territories to climate change, while being in line with local socio-spatial obligation.

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