Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Despite a promising international momentum towards sustainable development, unsustainable practices persist, often supported by economic incentives that promote the expansion of activity at the expense of ecosystem conservation and restoration. These environmentally harmful subsidies are nearly six times higher than the spending devoted to environmental protection. Perceived as beneficial for certain economic sectors, they also exist in the Mediterranean region….
Despite a promising international momentum towards sustainable development, unsustainable practices persist, often supported by economic incentives that promote the expansion of activity at the expense
This report analyzes Montenegro’s adaptation strategies and needs to address the impacts of climate change in its coastal areas, particularly the Bay of Kotor, one
2023 was a very active year for Plan Bleu. Focal points meeting, the meeting of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development in June in Marseille,
This Deliverable, led by Plan Bleu, analyses the importance of governance models in wetland restoration with the aim to support stakeholders in furthering collaborations to upscale wetland restoration. In the context of human-nature interactions, good
Read moreThis exploratory study aims to raise awareness among decision-makers about environmentally harmful subsidies (EHS) in the Mediterranean, focusing on fishing and tourism. It highlights the diversity in definitions and methodologies surrounding EHS, comp
Read moreWater availability is a recurring challenge in the Mediterranean basin as water stress affects one third of the area all year round, and almost 180 million people suffer from water scarcity causing conflicts. Meanwhile even more frequent and more sever
Read moreRenewable energy sources (RES) are at the forefront of global energy discussions, particularly as fossil fuels continue to dominate the economic landscape. RES offers an enticing promise: a sustainable, essentially limitless energy source that signific
Read moreThis summary report is the result of a prospective approach with a view to constructing “4 scenarios for coastal tourism in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in 2050”. This project led by Plan Bleu and financially supported by ADEME Provence-Alpes-
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