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23 May 2022

Les projet PSAMIDES et la Communauté Croissance Bleue favorisent la durabilité du secteur des croisières et de la navigation de plaisance en Méditerranée grâce à des solutions concrètes

La Méditerranée est la première zone de destination des croisiéristes européens, et le deuxième plus grand marché au monde. La mer Méditerranée est également une destination populaire pour la navigation de plaisance. La plupart des bateaux de plaisance

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16 May 2022

The Blue Growth Community launches the online programme “Fostering and managing the blue growth potential in the Mediterranean”!

In the framework of the Blue Growth Community project, Plan Bleu contributed to the elaboration of the MOOCs of the programme “Fostering and managing blue growth potential in the Mediterranean”. The Learning Program “Fostering and Managing Blue Growth

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14 April 2022

3rd Community building event of the sustainable tourism community

The Sustainable Tourism Community organised its 3rd Community building event on 10th March 2022. The event gathered the representatives of the Community and it was the opportunity to discuss about the contribution of the Community to the following four

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12 April 2022

Planet Med: the new Plan Bleu’s podcasts

The Mediterranean makes you dream by the beauty of its landscapes, its climate, its historical and cultural heritage. It is a unique place due to its biodiversity, its coastline and its inland sea. Today, this idyllic portrait is cracking and its wealt

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01 April 2022

9th World Water Forum: Guillaume Benoit, Vice-President of Plan Bleu, makes public the recommendations of the 7th SESAME

During the 9th World Water Forum held in Dakar, Senegal, from 21 to 26 March 2022, Guillaume Benoit, Vice-President of Plan Bleu, presented the recommendations of the 7th SESAME report. The 7th edition of the Seminar on Water and Food Security in the M

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu