International Workshop « Implementation of Nature Based Solutions to tackle climate change: Focus on the Mediterranean region »

Researchers, practitioners and policy makers of the Mediterranean region and European Union were gathered from 22 to 24 January to discuss on the benefits and challenges related to Nature Based Solutions implementation.

The city of Marseille hosted the workshop “Implementation of Nature-based Solutions to tackle climate change: Focus on the Mediterranean region” on 22-24 January 2019. Organized by Plan Bleu, IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, UICN French Committee, Conservatoire du Littoral, Tour du Valat, MedWET and Wetlands International, this event brought together researchers, practitioners and policy makers of the Mediterranean region and European Union to discuss on the benefits and challenges related to Nature-based Solutions implementation.

This workshop aimed to capitalize on the outcomes and lessons learned from projects that are being carried out in the Mediterranean by partners across different ecosystems that vary from coastal ecosystems, forests , urban ecosystems, etc. It also aimed to share European and Mediterranean best practices and challenges in terms of Nature-based Solutions among researchers and wetland managers, to create new collaborations, and to raise the awareness of policy makers on the importance of healthy ecosystems for effective adaptation to climate change, specifically by bringing Nature-based Solutions into action.

Following this workshop, a Policy Paper and a summary for policymakers were published.

All photos of the event are available here:



Elen Lemaitre-Curri, Plan Bleu’s Director

Fabrice Bernard, Delegate Europe and International, Conservatoire du Littoral

Bernard Cressens, Chairman of the IUCN French Committee

Yann Laurans, Director of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Programme, IDDRI

Puri Canals, Chairman of MedPAN

Jean Jalbert, Director-General, Tour du Valat

Gilles Kleitz, Director Ecological Transition and Natural Resources, AFD

Mohamed Endichi, Director of the Fight Against Desertification and Nature Protection, High Commission for Water and Forests and the Fight against Desertification (HCEFLCD), Morocco

Didier Réault, Deputy Mayor, Delegate to the Sea, Coastline, Nautism and Beaches, City of Marseille

Antonio Troya, Director, IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation

Christel Georges, Project Officer « Cooperation, partnerships and international solidarity linked to nature », City of Marseille

Presentations and illustrations


Implementation of nature-based solutions to tackle climate change: focus on the Mediterranean Region, IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management

Nature-based Solutions: from definition to implementation, Emmanuelle Cohen-Shacham, IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management, Emmanuelle Cohen-Shacham, IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management

Session 1: Make the case: benefits of Nature-Based Solutions implementation

Valuing the impact on ecosystem services to demonstrate the interest of NBS: a rational but incomplete and risky approach, Jean-Michel Salles, CNRS

Nature-based solutions: the best road to ecological transition & sustainable innovation, Patricia Ricard, Institut Océanographique Paul Ricard

EU Research & Innovation Agenda: Nature-Based Solutions, Sofie Vandewoestijne, European Commission

Introduction, Yann Kervinio, Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition/CGDD

Session 2: Nature-Based Solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change effectsSession 2a: Cities, urbanization – The role of NbS to face urban challenges

Trees for Life: Master Plan of Barcelona’s Trees 2017-2037, Elosenda Lurbes, Barcelona City Council

Pour un nouveau PACTE ville-nature, Marie Baduel, AVITEM

Urban Agriculture in the Greater Cairo Region, Mohammed Fangary, GIZ

EU R & I Agenda Nature-Based Solutions: Case Studies, Sofie Vandewoestijne, European Commission

Session 2b: Watershed and wetland management

The HyMoCARES project: improving hydromorphological management of alluvial rivers, Andrea Goltara, Italian Centre for River Restoration (CIRF)

Collecting and Preserving Scarce Natural Range Seed Plants, Ghada Ahmadein, Arab Office for Youth and Environment (AOYE)

An outlook on river restoration at eu mediterranean scale: state of art and open challenges, Giancarlo Gusmaroli, European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR)

Increasing the Resilience of the Forest Ecosystems, Uğur Zeydanli, Doğa Koruma Merkezi- Nature Conservation Centre

Session 2c: Coastal and marine ecosystems

LIFE Blue Natura. Andalucian blue carbon for climate change mitigation: quantification and valorization, Maria del Mar Otero, IUCN Mediterranean

Adapto: Ten initiatives of flexible coastal management, Marion Coquet, Conservatoire du littoral

Natural climate buffers in the Netherlands – a mutliple benefit approach, Paul Vertegaal, Natuurlijke klimaatbuffers

Nature-based solutions to reduce climate change effects on coastal areas and human activities in Tunisia : Initiatives, projects, heritage, Sami Ben Haj, Thétis-Conseil

Session 3: How to bring Nature-Based Solutions into action?

Session 3a: How can research and stakeholder engagement facilitate Nature-based Solutions implementation?

Natural Water Retention in the Rhine basin; Research and stakeholder engagement, Cy Griffin, Wetlands International

NBS for reconciling natural hazard control and ecological restoration: from research to practice, Freddy Rey, IRSTEA

Participation et appropriation des Solutions fondées sur la Nature pour réduire les risques inondation et feux de forêts dans les Alpilles, Jean-Michel Pirastru, Parc Naturel Régional des Alpilles

BiodivERsA: Promoting research on Nature-based solutions, Xavier Le Roux, BiodivERsA

Session 3b: What are the potential policies and the financial instruments which would support Nature-based Solutions implementation?

Enhancing the integration of nature-based solutions in climate-related finance: Some whys and hows, Aleksandar Rankovic, IDDRI

Financial instruments and policy framework to facilitate NBS implementation, Guillaume Sainteny, Fondation pour la recherche sur la biodiversité

Nature 2050 : an innovative financial tool to adapt territories to climate change, Susie Dalla Foglia, CDC Biodiversité

How could we support Nature-based solutions implementation ? Thomas Binet, VertigoLab

  • High Level Round Table

Comment déployer les SFN en Méditerranée ? Gilles Kleitz, AFD

Other useful documents:

Logistic Information Note


Concept Note (updated January 18th, 2019)

Press release

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