BleuTourMed 2nd Community Building Event “Making tourism more sustainable: Sharing methodologies for a joint action”


This event organised by the MED Sustainable Tourism Community in Athens from 4 to 5 of October 2017, will gather the members of the 14 projects of the Community together with BleuTourMed project partners. The objective is to harmonise activities in terms of developing common approaches and strategies and testing approaches through pilot demonstration actions.

This event, organised by the MED Sustainable Tourism Community in Athens from 4 to 5 of October 2017, will gather the members of the 14 projects of the Community (ALTER ECO, BLUEISLANDS, BLUEMED, CASTWATER, CO-EVOLVE, CONSUME-LESS, DestiMED, EMbleMatiC, MEDCYCLETOUR, MEDFEST, MITOMED+, ShapeTourism, SIROCCO, TOURISMED) together with BleuTourMed project partners. Plan Bleu, in charge of capitalization activities is one of the six institutions organizing the event.

The objective of the event is to harmonise activities in terms of developing common approaches and strategies and testing approaches through pilot demonstration actions. The participants will have the opportunity to exchange their approaches and methods towards sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean and work together in the two following thematic groups:

  1. Strengthening sustainable and responsible tourism: Capacity building & stakeholder engagement –  Sustainability assessment – Alternative and innovative tourism models;
  2. Implementing innovative approaches in the Mediterranean coastal and maritime areas (Western Mediterranean, Adriatic-Ionian and Aegean-Eastern Mediterranean regions)

In addition to these thematic working groups, BleuTourMed partners aim at discussing and agreeing with the 14 modular projects on a common declaration listing the MED Sustainable Tourism Community’s priorities for the 3 years of the Community’s lifetime.

Agenda: available soon

Registration link: available soon

Learn more about BleuTourMed project:

Community factsheet
First thematic factsheet
Brochure of the Community


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