Key information

Duration: January 2023 – September 2029

Total budget : 4 millions EUR

Main source of funding : ERDF

Lead partner : Region of Crete (Greece)

Other MAP components involved:PAP/RAC et SPA/RAC

Context and project description

Dialogue 4 Nature (D4N) is a governance project that contributes to the transition towards a resilient and just society. The project originates from the governance call of the Interreg Euro-MED Program.

Project’s objective

The objective is to protect, restore, and enhance the natural environment and heritage of the Mediterranean region. This involves promoting better governance and coordination among Mediterranean stakeholders to harmonize nature conservation policies and integrate them into sectoral policies. The D4N project aims to foster cooperation and promote a more participatory political process to address the impacts of climate change.

Geographical scope and countries involved

Euro-Mediterranean countries: Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia.

IAP (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance) cooperation zone : Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro.

The partnership is based on:two international organizations, one ministry, two regions, a network of cities, and a UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Center (RAC)

The associated partners include : 32 Mediterranean organizations representing cities (FAIC), civil society (WWF Mediterranean), research (Arab Network for Environment and Development), marine protected areas (MedPAN), regions (CPMR), and a UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Center (RAC).

Plan Bleu in the project

Plan Bleu is responsible for coordinating the “Transfer” Work Package, which includes the following elements :

  • coordinating the working group on Restoration/Nature-based Solutions and organizing annual institutional dialogues;
  • drafting and coordinating the drafting of policy documents and reports;
  • coordinating communication activities;
  • supporting the establishment of a Mediterranean network on Nature titled “Mediterranean Resilience Network” ;
  • developing national peer-learning experiences to facilitate the implementation of the Mediterranean strategy “SAP-BIO post-2020” and national biodiversity strategies;
  • integrating key policy and governance approaches within and beyond the Mediterranean region;
  • participating in the development of policy-oriented documents;
  • organizing and participating in key international events.
Methods and Specifics

Improving policy coordination and governance mechanisms: Multilevel engagement is an important feature of good governance.. Drawing on the experience and knowledge of the partners from both governance projects (D4N and C4N), the goal will be to establish working relationships with key nature initiatives at the Mediterranean level and beyond.

Building on existing governance structures, the D4N project will strengthen the role of the Interreg Euro-MED program and territorial cooperation in the region by showcasing successful initiatives on the global stage.

Increasing understanding of conservation. D4N will actively work to disseminate solutions, best practices, and results achieved in collaboration with C4N to local, regional, and national authorities, , in order to enhance the understanding and use of the Mission Nature outcomes.

This will enable policymakers to transfer and adopt the identified solutions for the Mediterranean and use the relevant networks of the partnership to present them beyond the region.

Finally, the D4N project will support capacity building through annual thematic dialogues organized in collaboration with C4N.


Interreg Euro-MED : European Territorial Cooperation Program which aims to make the Mediterranean region smarter, more “green” and to improve governance between its stakeholders

NbS: Nature-based Solutions

MSDS: Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development

SAP-BIO post-2020 : post-2020 Strategic action Programme for the Conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management of natural resources in the Mediterranean Region

Ecosystem services : Contributions of ecosystems to the functioning of all of Nature

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