Towards a multi-scale coastal risk index for the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean region is a climate change “hot-spot”. Investigating the role of climate and non-climate drivers on coastal zones is vital to understand the underlying risks and identify appropriate response measures. The multi-scale coastal risk index methodology proposed allows a scientifically sound detection of the coastal hot-spots.

The Mediterranean region is a climate change “hot-spot”. Investigating the role of climate and non-climate drivers on coastal zones is vital to understand the underlying risks and identify appropriate response measures. Existing scientific uncertainties demand flexibility when planning for adaptation to climate and non-climate driven changes. Designing a method to assess current and future vulnerabilities and risks to coastal hazards is a challenging issue for researchers and policy-makers. A multi-scale coastal risk index has several advantages that make such a methodology particularly suitable to help make decisions despite scarce resources, limited local data and uncertain information about the future. This index contributes as a piece for climate services.

Listen to the interview of Antoine Lafitte and Alessio Satta

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Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu