Participatory governance for the multifunctional management of Mediterranean woodland areas. Methodological guide: factsheets and tools

Plan Bleu coordinated the development of a synthetic report on the existing initiatives on participative governance issues.The report was produced by the Forest Research Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) and COFOR International in the framework of the project called « Optimizing the production of goods and services by the Mediterranean forest ecosystems in a
context of global change » funded by the French Global Environment Facility (FGEF) and jointly entrusted to Plan Bleu and FAO (Secretariat of Silva Mediterranea).
This report has been completed with the production of methodological factsheets which synthetically cover the various methods and tools to implement participatory governance approaches. Reading the technical report is recommended to illustrate the points presented in these methodological factsheets and deepen the subject.
The objectives of these methodological factsheets are:
  • To present a range of relevant approaches, methods and tools used for the participatory management of territories
  • To focus on analysing their strengths and weaknesses, contexts and application conditions, geographical scope and the key stakeholders involved with regards to specific Mediterranean forested areas.
  • To make recommendations for facilitating the design and implementation of a methodology and tools for participatory governance and management, which are suited to the specific nature of the Mediterranean region.
This guide is for everyone concerned and interested in the management of Mediterranean woodland areas: managers, public or private owners, companies or individual or collective users in all sectors of activity, including agriculture, water management, protection of fauna and flora, forestry, tourism, leisure, etc.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu