Final report: Large Mediterranean Marine Ecosystem – Prioritization of transboundary problems, analysis of impacts and causes

The current study on the long-term global regulations of the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) is a component of the update of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of the Mediterranean Sea. It is undertaken in the framework of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) MedProgramme Child Project 1.1. The objectives of MedProgramme are to accelerate the implementation of the agreed-upon priority actions, with the aim to reduce the major transboundary environmental stresses affecting the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas, while strengthening climate resilience and water security and improving the health and livelihoods of coastal populations. The current study also contributes to the MED 2050 Programme, which looks into possible visions and scenarios of the future of the Mediterranean by 2050, building solid and realistic transition paths towards a sustainable and inclusive future.

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Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu