Plan Bleu organize two webinars on Sustainable Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Region

As part of its Blue Economy Programme in the framework of the Barcelona Convention, Plan Bleu will organize two webinars on Sustainable Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Region, with the participation of key aquaculture stakeholders such as FAO/GFCM, the WestMED Initiative, WWF, IUCN Med, the Interreg Med Blue Growth community and Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community among others.

The 1st online event entitled “Towards a sustainable aquaculture in the Mediterranean Region” was held on 4th November 2020. The event gathered around one hundred participants representing all categories of stakeholders (researchers, private and public sector, NGOs, International organizations) from 27 countries.

The ultimate objective of the two webinars is, given the sector’s overall long-term trends and impacts, to identify and explore innovative solutions to effectively address the main sustainability challenges posed by the Mediterranean aquaculture sector, and how such solutions could be replicated in other territories, programmes, projects, etc.

The second webinar will be held on 16th November 2020.

The webinars’ outcomes will support the development of a road map for decision makers and major stakeholders, and will propose concrete actions to advance further in the sustainability of the sector in the Mediterranean region. All categories of stakeholders will be involved through a long-term participative process. The outcomes of the webinars will also feed the MED2050 Report, an ambitious foresight exercise designed as an original science-policy interface, aiming at mobilizing decision makers and stakeholders from the North and South of the Mediterranean, going beyond geographical and institutional borders. The Report will confront several visions of the Mediterranean future by 2050 (with an intermediate step at 2030) and co-construct solid and grounded transition paths towards common goals.

For further information, please contact Céline Dubreuil at [email protected]

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu