Final report of the European Tourism Convention: The Sustainable Tourism Community’s contribution to “Greener Holidays”

After nine years of growth, the tourism sector is one of the most affected by the COVID-19 crisis in Europe. TheEuropean Tourism Convention 2020 has therefore set up a discussion for a sustainable revival of the sector and the strategic orientations of tomorrow’s tourism. This dialogue was launched with the aim of guiding future work and cooperation for a European Tourism Agenda 2050.

The workshops mapped key issues, generated a discussion about the challenges and opportunities of the EU tourism ecosystem linked with the following three topics:
– A safe and seamless tourism experience
– Greener Holidays
– Tourism powered by data

On October 12, 2020, the Sustainable Tourism Community participated in the“Greener Holidays” workshop on the challenges of sustainability for tourism, in line with European policies such as the European Green Deal, circular economy action plan, serving as a road map towards a green transition.

Participants agreed onten action pointsfor the sustainable, innovative and resilient revival and transformation of European tourism.

The contribution of the 22 cooperation projects of the Interreg MED program and its Sustainable Tourism Community was highlighted by DIBA – Barcelona Provincial Council – Lead Partner of the Sustainable tourism Community. The members of the Community are leading the development of innovative tools and strategies to:
– Monitor the impact of tourism on local communities and on the environment;
– Develop innovative models for tourism development;
– Improve the sustainability of existing tourist infrastructures;
– Support the access to the market of sustainable tourism products;
– Strengthen the planning and managing practices at Mediterranean regional level.

Its participation aimed at developing a common understanding of the challenges that go along with the transition to a more responsible vacation.

To access the detailed agenda of the Convention, click here

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