Regional meeting on Marine Litter Best Practices

Plan Bleu took part in the Regional meeting on Marine Litter Best Practices organized in Izmir, Türkiye, on 9-10 October 2018 by UN Environment MAP components: MED POL, REMPEC and SCP/RAC.

The meeting reviewed activities implemented by the Contracting Parties and acknowledged the progress achieved in the implementation of the Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management. So the measures addressing the banning of plastic bags and/or promoting non-single use is of one of the most common across the Mediterranean which can be referred to as a success story.

The meeting also noted that time has come to consider measures on microplastics and efforts be strengthened at regional and national levels to incorporate them into the marine litter agenda.

Otherwise, PANACeA project, of which Plan Bleu is a partner, presented the ongoing work on marine litter.


Socioeconomic analysis on key best practices to prevent/reduce single use of plastic bags and bottles, Elen Lemaitre-Curri & Lina Tode, Plan Bleu

Biodiversity Protection Community: Workflow and Products under development 2018- 2019, Dania Abdul Malak, ETC-UMA

Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu