Regional workshop: Human impacts on Mediterranean marine ecosystems and the economy

This document was drafted following a workshop co-organised by the Centre Scientifique de Monaco and Plan Bleu, held in Monaco in October 2017 where 45 experts from 17 countries and from various fields of expertise, social sciences and natural sciences, participated. It analyses the main threats, vulnerability and ecological and human impacts. On the consensus of a wide range of specialists in different disciplines then some responses and policy options as well as main knowledge gaps and needs are proposed as conclusions for Mediterranean decision makers.

This document was drafted following a workshop coorganised by the Centre Scientifique de Monaco and Plan Bleu (supported by the Prince’s Government, the Prince Albert II Foundation and the UN Environment/Mediterranean Action Plan of the Barcelona Convention), held in Monaco in October 2017 where 45 experts from 17 countries and from various fields of expertise, social sciences and natural sciences, participated.

This workshop allowed participants to discuss and identify the threats of human origin and their long-term impacts on marine ecosystem services and the political and scientific responses that could be put in place to reduce the impacts of these threats and their causes. Taking into account existing regional frameworks (such as the Regional Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change) and the theme chosen, expert discussions helped to define recommendations, governance actions and best practices to implement at the local and regional levels to mitigate these impacts and adapt.

This document analyses the main threats, vulnerability and ecological and human impacts. On the consensus of a wide range of specialists in different disciplines then some responses and policy options as well as main knowledge gaps and needs are proposed as conclusions for Mediterranean decision makers.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu