The Climagine participatory approach is currently being implemented by Plan Bleu/RAC in order to support the development of a Regional Coastal Scheme (RCS) in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima (TTA) Region of the Kingdom of Morocco, conducted by PAP/RAC and the competent Moroccan authorities: the Department for Sustainable Development, the Wilaya of the Region and the Regional Directorate of the Environment, TTA Region. Climagine contributes to the development of coastal management plans at the local and national levels using a bottom-up approach. This method can also generate lessons for ICZM and coastal climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean.
This work is taking place in the context of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) MedProgramme: Enhancing Environmental Security (2020-2024), implemented by the UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP). Child Project 2.1 of the MedProgramme focuses on the issue of “Mediterranean Coastal Zones: Water Security, Climate Resilience and Habitat Protection”. PAP/RAC, Plan Bleu/RAC, GWP-Med and UNESCO-IHP are the partners of Child Project 2.1, which aims, amongst others, to support the development of two Coastal 1 Management Plans by PAP/RAC (called Regional Coastal Scheme in the case of TTA – TTA RCS), alongside one for Kotor Bay, Montenegro.