Socioeconomic analysis of marine litter key best practices to prevent/reduce single use of plastic bags and bottles

The present activity is prepared in the context of the UN Environment/Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) Mid-Term Strategy 2016-2021 (MTS) and Program of Work (PoW) 2018-2019, adopted by the Contracting Parties in December 2017 in Tirana, Albania. More specifically, this activity contributes to the implementation of MTS key Output 2.1.1. “Targeted measures of the regional plans/strategies facilitated and implemented”, Activity “Prepare reports on the implementation of the existing regional Plans/Measures: (i.e. Mercury and WWTP) including socio economic analysis” in the UN Environment/MAP programme of work.

Socio-economic analyses can contribute to convince stakeholders on the feasibility and benefits of a specific action, compare different measures to prioritize from, anticipate and identify possible bottlenecks in implementation, avoid costs and ensure their fair distribution, identify when and where flanking measures would be most beneficial, correct existing measures.

This activity is prepared through the Memorandum of Understanding between the UN Environment/MAP and the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection (IMELS), and implemented by MAP/Plan Bleu Regional Activity Center. This activity combines two levels of analysis: the level of the Mediterranean Sea via a regional socioeconomic analysis of selected plastic prevention/reduction measures; and the level of case studies of key practices already implemented, covering various natural, socioeconomic and institutional/policy contexts in the Mediterranean.

This activity will contribute to enlightening stakeholders and decision makers on the trade-offs between or among ecological objectives and economic activities and public costs/benefits as well as varying distributional effects of key measures for the prevention or reduction of single use plastic bags and bottles.

In addition, the study provides methodological insight for national or local studies.

A draft outline of this report was introduced during the Regional Meeting on Marine Litter Best Practices in Izmir, Türkiye (9-10 October 2018). Interim results were brought to the attention of the participants of the Second Regional Meeting on Marine Litter Best Practices in Seville, Spain (8-10 April 2019), for their comments and feedback to be incorporated during the preparation of its final version. Results were reviewed and discussed by Plan Bleu, the UN Environment/MAP, the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas and the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection (IMELS), during a meeting held in Rome on October 24th-25th. The present report presents the final outcomes of the study.

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