Report of the 2nd workshop for the development of the Regional Coastal Scheme of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region and Nexus workshop on water-energy-food-ecosystems

Climagine“funnel method” that starts from the main trends (the “Dimensions of sustainability”,first SRL/Climagine workshop on March 16, 2022 in Tangier) to gradually go into detail over the following workshops. In this first workshop, stakeholders provided input on the key dimensions and challenges of sustainability that should inform the SRL, based on a shared vision of a sustainable TTA region in the future developed over the course of the workshop. Based on these achievements, the second SRL/Climagine workshop aimed to develop Sustainability Indicators (SI) for the SRL TTA, allowing to better understand and monitor the evolution of the priority sectors and challenges identified, in order to strengthen a holistic and systemic approach to the coast and its many functions in TTA.

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