Four scenarios for coastal tourism in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region by 2050

This summary report is the result of a prospective approach with a view to constructing “4 scenarios for coastal tourism in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in 2050”. This project led by Plan Bleu and financially supported by ADEME Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, has the main objective of imagining contrasting developments in coastal tourism, from the Camargue to the Italian border, based on the ADEME’s Transition(s) 2050 scenarios which aim for carbon neutrality in less than 30 years. The 3 partners explain “distinct and possible paths” which vary according to societal choices and mature and/or promising technologies.

The ambition is not to carry out a complete tourism diagnosis, but to propose paths to follow and four collective stories activating different levers likely to make coastal tourism in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region more sustainable. that is to say less energy consuming and emitter of greenhouse gases, more respectful of living things, less greedy in natural resources, more innovative and inventive, less polluting, more defender of heritage resources, more socially acceptable and egalitarian, more resilient in the face of to crises, tensions, conflicts, chronic instability and uncertainty, less sensitive to climatic hazards and shocks, more agile and resilient from an economic point of view, etc.

The ambition is to propose paths and stories likely make coastal tourism in the region sustainable.

The main trends are drawn in this report to anticipate the future of regional coastal tourism and inspire future tourism policies and strategies.


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