Assessing the costs and benefits of protection measures in two French marine protected areas

As part of its two-year work programme and a partnership agreement with theOffice Français de la Biodiversité (OFB),, Plan Bleu starts a socio-economic study on the costs and benefits induced by different levels of protection in two marine protected areas (MPAs) in France, notably the Port Cros national park and the Cerbère Banyuls marine nature reserve. In particular, the work provided answers to the following questions:

– What is the socio-economic importance of MPAs? What sectors and activities are found in and affected by MPAs? And what ecosystem services do MPAs provide – and to whom?

– What are the socio-economic impacts (direct, indirect or generated, short- and long-term costs and benefits) of implementing MPAs? And what impacts (observed or potential) are associated with different levels of protection?

It clearly appears that MPAs play a significant role in local economic dynamics by generating an overall positive impact.

Thank you to the authors of Plan Bleu and ACTEON who contributed to this study.

To go further, discover how Plan Bleu is committed to implementing the roadmap for MPAs in the Mediterranean.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu