Activity Report 2021

Despite the ecological crisis affecting the world and more particularly the Mediterranean, the path traveled by Plan Bleu in 2021 is dotted with great successes! While celebrating 45 years of the Barcelona Convention, we closed this last biennium with historic decisions taken at the last COP 22 held in Antalya.

The major decision to designate the Mediterranean as a whole as an Emission Control Area for Sulfur Oxide (ECA SOx Med) and the green light given to the Medium Term Strategy (MTS – 2022-2027), show the intensification of a common desire to make peace with nature. For the basin, this conference suggests a green recovery thanks to the collective efforts led by all the Contracting Parties, the UNEP / MAP system and its regional activity centers, and thanks to strong Mediterranean and European solidarity. The year 2021 was also an opportunity for Plan Bleu to see its recent work and publications recognized by stakeholders. The countries have renewed their confidence by validating the work program of Plan Bleu: the initiatives in progress (on observation, the blue economy, foresight, etc.) are emerging strengthened, and the new developments (on the science interface -policy around the theme of climate change, on the study of environmental economic tools…) have aroused interest.

For two years, we have faced the difficulty of meeting each other following the consequences of the pandemic, but we have continued our efforts to communicate as widely as possible on the state of the environment in the Region. We have reinvented the way we communicate to promote our projects. By meeting you: workshop dedicated to RED in Tunisia, MED 2050 prospective meetings, Green Week, Blue Growth community webinars, IUCN congress, AMP Forum, and of course COP 22. And by improving our communication: redesign of the newsletter , more translations of our publications, new infographics and above all more media relations. The next biennium promises to be equally dense and diversified, and we look forward to continuing this great momentum to build the future of the Mediterranean together!


François Guerquin, Plan Bleu Director

Other recent publications


Desalination in the Mediterranean: Measures to Mitigate Environmental Risks and Impacts

Through this thematic note entitled “Desalination in the Mediterranean: Measures to Mitigate Environmental Risks and Impacts”, Plan Bleu reviews all the issues associated with desalination

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Application of the Multiscale Coastal Risk Index-Local Scale to Kotor Bay, Montenegro

Building on the “Gender-sensitive Climate Risk Assessment of Kotor Bay, Montenegro”, this report provides a downscaled application of the Multiscale Coastal Risk Index-Local Scale to

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Final Report: Application of the Climagine Methodology In support of development of the Kotor Bay Coastal Management, Montenegro

This final report compiles the outcomes of the four stakeholder engagement workshops for the Coastal Management Plan and the Climagine methodology in Kotor Bay. These

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu