Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Budget : 353 653 Euros
Duration : May 2014 – May 2015
The objective is to provide an integrated environmental status assessment to mitigate environmental risks to be addressed at trans-boundary scale in the Mediterranean Sea. The approach draws on the main pressures and the conservation level in the Western Mediterranean and the Adriatic-Ionian ecoregions (study areas) to identify spatial hotspots of environmental pressures.
Med-IAMER project, coordinated by the European Topic Centre for Spatial Information and Analysis at the University of Málaga, is one of the 14 projects for an integrated maritime approach approved by the MED Programme 2014-2020.
The MED programme is a transnational programme of European territorial cooperation. It is financed by the European Union as an instrument of its regional policy and of its new programming period. It continues the tradition of the European programmes for cooperation (previously named Interreg).
Med-IAMER fits with the priority axis 2 of MED programme related to environmental protection and promotion of a sustainable territorial development, and contributes to objective 2.1 : « Protection and enhancement of natural resources and cultural heritage ».
To reach these objectives, regional stakeholders’ consultations are scheduled to validate the available knowledge used for the assessment and to judge the effectiveness of cooperation mechanisms and trans-boundary arrangements put in place to overcome trans-boundary conflicts in the region.
This is Plan Bleu which is responsible for developing a structured dialogue with relevant stakeholders in order to validate main drivers, pressures and the relevance of policy responses in place to reduce drivers of change and environmental pressures in both ecoregions studied.
General factsheet
Climate change factsheet
Marine aquaculture factsheet
Fisheries factsheet
Coastal and maritime tourism factsheet
Maritime transport factsheet
Coastal urbanization factsheet
General factsheet
Climate change factsheet
Fisheries and aquaculture factsheet
Coastal and maritime tourism factsheet
Maritime transport factsheet
Coastal urbanization factsheet
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