Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
The third component of this project aims at encouraging the development of participatory management approaches across territories. It promotes at a local scale strategies to reduce anthropic pressures on these ecosystems, while ensuring the users that goods and services on which they depend, will be maintained in the long run.
Participatory approaches developed and disseminated through the project aim to facilitate consultation and participation of all stakeholders in forested areas (owners, managers, local decision makers, users of goods and services, etc.) in management decisions for these territories and their implementation.
Involving multiple users of a territory in its management and developmentwill enable to both take into account their needs in terms of services provided by ecosystems and raise awareness on their vulnerability.
These participatory initiatives will strengthen the dialogue and cooperation between the forest sector and other sectors involved in woodlands management (water, agriculture, energy, tourism, environment, land management, etc.).
Participatory approaches include a prospective dimension to bring multiple stakeholders to understand the management of their territory with a long-term vision and to better understand and anticipate the impactof exogenous drivers (e.g. climate change) or endogenous decisions (forest management methods and human activities affecting forests) on the ecosystem and the services it provides, providing valuable insights to guide strategic choices towards sustainability.
To reach these objectives, the component 3 is divided into three phases:
Methodological approaches for each pilot sites of partner countries:
National studies results:
Guide pratique pour la mise en oeuvre d’une gestion participative et durable des espaces boisés dans les pays du Maghreb(Arabic version)
Plan Bleu has been involved in 2 other 2019-2022 Interreg Med program
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