The Mediterranean city of Ashdod (Israel) wins the second edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award

Athens, 13 November 2019 – Following a thorough review of applications received from six Mediterranean cities, the Jury – which is composed of the Members of the Bureau of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and of the President of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development – has decided to award the second edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award to the city of Ashdod (Israel).

The Award recognizes and highlights efforts of local authorities, notably by providing them with a platform to showcase their achievements at a regional level. It is also cementing a culture of emulation among Mediterranean cities for the achievement of sustainable development
for the benefit of their citizens and the region as a whole.

The application received from Ashdod demonstrated a set of integrated sustainability measures that proved decisive in the selection process. Such measures included energy efficiency, public transport, optimized water management, including the reduction of leakage, and effective waste management combined with the minimization of landfilled waste. The winning city also invested in public awareness-raising programmes to encourage citizen action in support of sustainability. Other bold measures include flood risk reduction and coastal protection: only four kilometers of the city’s shoreline is urbanized with a fully implemented setback zone of 100 meters. The coastal area is also continuously monitored for traces of pollution.

The city of Ashdod will receive the Award at a ceremony scheduled on 4 December 2019 during the 21st Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (COP21).

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