MedECC received the North South Prize 2020 from the Council of Europe.

On the 13 November the jury of the North-South Prize of the Council of Europe decided to award the 2020 Prize to the Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change (MedECC) network of the Union for the Mediterranean.

The Jury recognized the work of MedECC that elaborated the first-ever scientific assessment on climate and environmental change impact in the Mediterranean basin. This report illustrates the need for

collaboration between states and societies to face the challenges of climate change, and the involvement of scientists to produce a knowledge-bases analysis as a sound basis for policy planning.


The report has been written by 120 scientists from 25 countries, all contributing in individual capacity. It is all of these contributors who are recognized with this award.


This report answers to intentions from several regional institutions, such as the United Nations Environment Program / Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP / MAP), the Union for Climate Change Expert Group Méditerranée (UfM CCEG) and Plan Bleu, Regional Activity Center. It is also the contribution of these three partners, which have supported MedECC from the start, that is recognized by the jury.


This work contribute to the promotion of the Paris Agreement. The network is also a concrete example of the vision of the Mediterranean Sea as a shared space of peace, development and human rights, which led to the creation, twenty-five years ago, of the Euromed partnership.


For more information please contact:

Wolfgang Cramer (IMBE , CNRS), Joel Guiot (CEREGE, CNRS): MedECC Coordinators, [email protected], [email protected]

Kasia Marini: MedECC Science Officer, [email protected]

Scientific assessment of climate and environmental changes impacts in the Mediterranean Basin



Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu