Hybrid event “Making the Mediterranean Green transition happen by protecting, restoring and valorising the natural environment and heritage”

On 9 June, both projects organised an hybrid event entitled “Making the Mediterranean Green transition happen by protecting, restoring and valorising the natural environment and heritage” (in Barcelona and online) which aimed at sharing with Associated Partners (APs) of both D4N and C4N their vision to start building this Community, and reach the establishment of the Mediterranean Resilience Network, a wide network of stakeholders that can bring significant change for the region. During this hybrid event, the project partners presented the potential role APs can have mainly through the thematic Working Groups that are being established by the Mission 4 Nature, but also other upcoming activities which they were invited to join. This hybrid event was one of the many events labelled as EU Green Week Partner Side event and took place with the collaboration of Institut d’Estudis Catalans.

Visit Linkedin to find out more about the D4N (Dialogue 4 Nature) project.

Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu