First Annual Assembly of the Blue Growth Community

The Blue Growth Community organises in Montpellier, France, on 4-5 February 2020, its First Annual Assembly event. Further to its three years of implementation, the project comes back with new members and aims to set fresh recommendations.

The Blue Growth Community organises in Montpellier, France, on 4-5 February 2020, its First Annual Assembly event. Further to its three years of implementation, the project comes back with new members and aims to set fresh recommendations.

The Community will keep building its reflections towards the implementation of a sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean, strengthening its links with multi-level key actors of blue sectors and seeking more integration with other communities to reach cross-cutting results to tackle common challenges.

This 2-days event represents the first occasion for the new community to meet. The first day represents the annual assembly of the members of the community: the core members belonging to the Med Blue Growth projects and the associated partners and the enlarged members represented by the relevant stakeholders that have brought contents and knowledge and will continue to do it. The second day is dedicated to the setup of the advisory board(s): the body that supports the transferring process of the project allowing the matching of results’ “givers” and “receivers”.

During the first day, the 7 key policy recommendations included in the Policy Paper,

are the occasion for the enlarged BG community for exploring practical applications and perspectives in the regional contexts.

Five panels will debate one by one the main indications and will support with their contribution the following mainstreaming activities planned in the BG project.

A specific focus will be brought on Mediterranean initiatives and frameworks working on blue sustainability, the regional dimension, smart specialization strategies and the mainstreaming of community results into the different levels of policy-making actors.

This first event is organized in the framework of the CPMR Intermediterranean Commission Political Bureau and the Interreg Med Blue Growth Community. It is addressed to all BG community members, new project partners, associated partners and regions related with Blue Growth, within their implementation of the Regional Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization RIS3.

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More information available here, or please contact: [email protected].
The InnoBlueGrowth Project counts with a €1,47 million funding (of which €1,25M of EU co-funding) in the framework of the transnational cooperation programme Interreg Med.

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