Plan Bleu Workshop : Harmful Subsidies and the Mediterranean: Balancing Environmental Sustainability, Economy, and Equity

Plan Bleu is organizing the workshop “Harmful Subsidies and the Mediterranean: Balancing Environmental Sustainability, Economy, and Equity” on January 30, 2024, in Marseille.

Environmental harmful subsidies are a major global concern, affecting the planet’s ecological balance. These government financial incentives provided to support the economy often lead to unintended ecological consequences. They encourage harmful practices that exacerbate resource depletion, pollution, and the overall degradation of ecosystems. This issue is of particular importance for Mediterranean countries, a region rich in biodiversity, with delicate marine ecosystems and a crucial role in climate regulation.

To address this issue, Plan Bleu launched a Call for Papers in October 2023. Following this call, Plan Bleu selected eight proposals for funding.

This workshop will allow the authors to present their preliminary work. It will also enable obtaining feedback from the participants and Plan Bleu team, fostering discussions that will allow authors to further develop and strengthen their papers. These papers will be finalized after the event for publication in an “Edited Volume” by Plan Bleu. The audience will play an essential role in shaping the discourse, with dedicated time for questions and answers.

The presentations will be in English, with simultaneous translation into French (available online).




8:45 AM – 9:00 AM Reception

9:00 AM – 9:20 AM Introduction

  • Guillaume Sainteny and/or Robin Degron (Plan Bleu): opening on the ambition of Plan Bleu to develop regular knowledge on the issues of “environmentally harmful subsidies in the Mediterranean”.
  • Constantin Tsakas (Plan Bleu) : Reminder of the 8 selected proposals following the Call for Papers and on their complementarities

9:20 AM – 10:50 AM Session 1 : Sectoral-related Insights : Fishing, Tourism

  • Fishing subsidies and their impacts on marine ecosystems in Türkiye: The past, present and future (Nazli Demirel, Pinar Ertör-Akyazı, Taner Yıldız)
  • The antagonistic effects of tourism industry strategies on land use management: A comparative analysis of Toulon (France) and Kusadasi (Turkey) (Vincent Monier and Myriam Ben Saad)

10:50 AM – 11:00 AM Coffee Break

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Session 2 : Sectoral-related Insights : Energy

  • Addressing the link between fossil fuel subsidies and climate change in the Mediterranean region (Sevil Acar)
  • Female labor inclusion and energy policies in the Mediterranean countries: Evidence from a mixed methodology approach (Stella Tsani, Chrysoula Chitou, Karine Moukaddem, Valentina Dedi)

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Lunch Break

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Session 3 : Special Focus : Water-Energy Nexus in Algeria

  • Fueling Algeria’s Future: Measuring the Footprint of Fossil Fuel Subsidies on The National Duality of “Water Stress-Energy Consumption” (Hadjer Boulila)
  • Water Subsidies, Desalination, and Sustainable Resource Management: Policy Evidence from Algeria (Myriam Ben Saad, Rym Ben Saad, Mourad Kertous and Samir Baha-Eddine Maliki)

3:00 PM – 3:10 PM Coffee Break

3:10 PM – 4:40 PM Session 4 : Legal and Monitoring perspectives

  • Fiscal Incentives & Energy Transition from a Legal Perspective: The Analysis of Best Practices Suitable for the decarbonisation of the Mediterranean Region (Merve Ergun)
  • Measuring Progress and Accountability in Phasing Out Environmental Harmful Subsidies: A Comprehensive Framework for the Mediterranean region (Jeremie Fosse & Roberta Milo)

4:40 PM – 5:00 PM Closing

  • Guillaume Sainteny and/or Robin Degron (Plan Bleu) : closing on Plan Bleu’s ambitions for its 2024-2025 workplan on “Environmentally Harmful Subsidies in the Mediterranean”
  • Constantin Tsakas (Plan Bleu) : Reminder regarding the next steps for the authors
Moderation : Constantin Tsakas (Plan Bleu)
For any information request, you can contact Constantin Tsakas : [email protected]

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