Conference “Environment and development in the Mediterranean yesderday, today and tomorrow” on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Plan Bleu


More than 130 participants have gathered in Paris, on 5th June 2018, on the occasion of Plan Bleu’s 40 years anniversary, during the international conference, organized jointly with the Association Serge Antoine. Experts, decision-makers, representatives of national, European and Mediterranean institutions, and members of the civil society discussed the Mediterranean issues and possible futures.

The fragility of the Mediterranean region and the multiple pressures that it undergo call for the stakeholders’ mobilization.

Paris, 5th June 2018: More than 130 participants have gathered on the occasion of Plan Bleu’s 40 years anniversary, during the international conference, organized jointly with the Association Serge Antoine. Experts, decision-makers, representatives of national, European and Mediterranean institutions, and members of the civil society discussed the Mediterranean issues and possible futures.

The morning, dedicated to the creation – on the initiative of Serge Antoine – of Plan Bleu, Regional Activity Center of UN Environment / Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), referred to forty years of reflections and actions in favor of sustainable development in the Mediterranean. Thus, since the end of the 70s’, in the framework of the Barcelona Convention, and despite geopolitical tensions, the Mediterranean countries have worked together to progress on many common environmental challenges.

The Mediterranean is an ecoregion with a unique cultural heritage and an exceptional biodiversity. But, it is also very fragile and sensitive to climate change. Its development concentrates on its coastal zones, subject to numerous pressures. Coastal urbanization, mass tourism, fresh water overexploitation and salinization, pollution and marine litter, overfishing, development of maritime traffic and invasive species represent as many common concerns. During the afternoon, speakers discussed on such issues as marine ecosystems management, sustainable tourism, rural development, blue economy, biodiversity and talked about possible and desirable futures. The fragility of the Mediterranean region and the multiple pressures that it undergo call for the stakeholders’ mobilization. On this occasion, Plan Bleu announced the launching of MED 2050, a new foresight study in the horizon 2050,

intended to mobilize Southern and Northern decision-makers and stakeholders by overstepping geographic and institutional boundaries. The works that will be carried out for the next four years will be based on dialogues, partnerships and shared visions on transition ways and investments to implement for a Mediterranean Basin desirable future. Participants interested by this project are invited to register online now to take part in future exchanges.

Thanks to the quality of the speakers’ presentations, the attendance of many of Plan Bleu’s long-time partners and to fruitful exchanges with the floor, this event was a success. It could not have happened without the Association Serge Antoine and the support of the History Committee of the Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, the High Council for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas (CGAAER) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and theMediterranean World Economic Foresight Institute (IPEMED).



List of participants

Press Release

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Concept notes


Avant Rio : les 2 premières décennies, Bernard Glass

Le tournant du développement durable et du partenariat euro-méditerranéen (1995-2006), Guillaume Benoit

Témoignage de la Tunisie, Khalil Attia

Vision des pays du Sud : cas de l’Algérie, Mohammed Si Youcef

A l’heure du changement climatique et de la croissance bleue : vers une nouvelle prospective en Méditerranée, Elen Lemaitre-Curri

Ruptures et continuités présentes en Méditerranée, Georges Corm

Les futurs des écosystèmes marins, Yves Henocque

Bientôt à Sec ? Changement Climatique, Eau et Economie, Mohamed Ait Kadi

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